Sunday, May 31, 2009

Finally Back!!

I am finally back in Ohio!! Let me tell you, I am very happy!! To me, it is very important to have family around, and it's my main reason for coming home while Mark's deployed. [However, this will be the last time coming home during a deployment since Michael will be old enough to go to school next year.] I grew up surrounded by family, and I look back at all of that family I had around me and truly appreciate it. Actually, we got in yesterday morning around 3:40, and today we went to a birthday party for one of my cousins. [I'm telling you, my family is very close, and I will never take that for granted.] I want my children to be able to have as much family around as possible growing up. I don't want them to wonder who their family members are and what they are/were like.

But now that we're back, that means that I am just that much closer to starting school!! In a couple of hours, I will be able to say that I start school next month!! HA. Within the next few days, I am going to be filling out my student loan application. Once that is taken care of, I will just have to schedule my classes and order my books and software, and then I'll be ready to go for school!! YAY! You have no idea how excited I am to start school!! It's going to be so exciting!! I am so ready for everything that's to come!! I am ready to learn something else that I am so passionate and serious about!!

Today, I stopped at Staples and finally got my 1 TB external hard drive!!!! I've started to transfer some important stuff to it, and once that's all taken care of, I am going to see if my cousin can wipe out the laptop and start over from "scratch". Something's still wrong with the laptop, and I just need to wipe everything out. I'm just transferring my fonts, music, and photos that are saved on the laptop. Then after the laptop's been wiped out, everything's been restored, and I get my new $510 16-program editing set, I will be ready to go!! I can't wait!! I am going to be doing some serious "damage" around here with all of the photography stuff!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I have a BRILLIANT idea!!

Today, I was watching TV and a commercial for this one show kept coming on. It's about this religion camp thing. I don't know, I can't stand to watch the commercials because the lady loses her damn mind and scares me. There's a difference [and fine line] between teaching children about God and shoving everything you interpret from the Bible down children's throats and scaring them half to death.

But anyway, the commercial gave me an idea for a photo shoot. I'm not going to say what my idea is because I want to keep it to myself for now. I want to be able to pull it off, and have no one know about it till I start asking people to be a part of it, then show the photos. My plan is to do this shoot during the summer while I'm in Ohio. I hope that I am able to do it at one of the local parks with a good number of people. It'll be about an issue that I am very passionate about. If I am able to pull off this photo shoot, I can't even begin to tell you how amazing it will be!!

I have some people in mind right now that I want to ask to do this photo shoot with me, and I am also thinking about just posting on my MySpace and Facebook telling people in the area that if they would like to be a part of a photo shoot I'm doing, then they will just have to get in contact with me and I'd give them the information. And even though there's a subject/purpose/reason for this photo shoot, it shouldn't be hard to find people willing to do such a photo shoot.

Seriously, I can't even explain how great it would be to pull this off. Honestly, it could be a little bit "ground breaking", for a lack of better words. I think it would maybe make people open their eyes and minds a little bit. It's just something that means so much to me. It's something I believe in that goes "across the board" and involves everyone, which is why it shouldn't be too difficult to find some models.

If I can pull this off, I will submit the photos to the school [The Art Institute], to contests, and use them in my portfolio. I might even contemplate submitting them elsewhere, making it known that now is the time for things to change with certain issues. I know my idea may be "controversial", but I don't care about that. Something being controversial is something that can create change - and right now, we need this change.

I one day hope to win some small award or be recognized for the photos I'll take, and this idea of mine can get me started. I normally don't set my expectations high, unless it's something I know I am, or can be, good at doing. Photography happens to be one of those things, and I hope that I am able to accomplish at least two of my goals.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


So last night, I was looking through some of the stuff for The Art Institute that was on the list of things to do before starting school. One thing on the list is about the software and they have a website for the school to order the software you need, as well as extra stuff. I looked at the website last night, and just browsed through the software, hardware, and all of that stuff. The one cool thing about The Art Institute is that, if you order stuff through their website for school, you get 85% off of everything!!!! AMAZING! There's this one thing I've been wanting to get [Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection], but it's about $2,500!! Yeah, there's no way on God's green earth that I'd spend that much on software right now. But as I was browsing the school's website last night, they sell the collection to students for $510!!!! One of the programs I am required to have is in the collection, and it's about $100 by itself. So Mark and I talked last night, and he said that I could go ahead and get the CS4 Master Collection. Why pay about $100 for one software program when I can pay a little over $400 more and get 16 programs?! It just makes sense to us if I just got the whole collection. And I have to admit, I am so happy that I have a husband that is supporting me 100% with going to school for photography and letting me get some new things so I am able to start at a semi-professional level with all of it. Gosh, I love him so much!!!!

Speaking of Mark, he left this morning. I miss him like crazy already!! We were lucky enough to be able to text each other for a while before he got on the ship. It just sucks that I won't be getting a million texts from him a daily basis for the next 6 months or so. He did send me one last photo though from his phone before he left. He was frowning in the photo. He's not thrilled one bit about this deployment, but we're hoping that this is the last one for a while. The boys have no idea that Mark's gone and not coming home for a while - they were asleep in the stroller when he left. It just hurts because they don't know. But at the same time, I'm glad they didn't see him leave because Michael was such a mess the last time Mark left on deployment. I just hope that this transition without Daddy and the move go smoothly with the boys. I know it's going to be a lot on the right now, but I'm happy that we're getting it all done with within a short period of time. [I hate dragging things out.]

So here's to deployment #3!! I hope that this deployment goes smoothly and that we're an even happier, closer family in the end!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It's O-F-F-I-C-I-A-L!!!!

Today, I got a small package in the mail from The Art Institute...I'VE OFFICIALLY BEEN ACCEPTED TO THE PHOTOGRAPHY PROGRAM!!!! YAY! Now all I have to do is get everything set so I can start class(es) in July!! I am probably going to call in a little bit or tomorrow to speak with someone so I know exactly where I am on the list of things I need to get taken care of. I'm pretty sure I only have to take care of my accuplacer exam, scheduling my class(es), and getting books and software!! AHHHHH! I can't believe that this is actually going to happen - I'm going to school!!!! HA. This is absolutely amazing!! I am so ready for this!!

But, with this wonderful news comes some sad news - my husband should be gone in less than 12 hours!! Yuck! I'm really sad that we have to go through another deployment, but I've been able to keep myself together and just enjoy the time we've had together. And let me tell you something, not being such an emotional mess [like the last two times] has been nothing short of wonderful!! I'm glad that I've been able to just have real conversations with him rather than breaking down in front of him every 5-10 seconds. It sucks that he has to go, but I know it's what he has to do.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Reason for lack of blogging and photos.

I apologize for not blogging for a while, and having not put up any new photos!! I am so sorry!!

Ever since the laptop was infected with viruses, spyware, and all of that ridiculous nonsense, things haven't been working right on the laptop. I had the laptop taken care of the evening it got infected with everything, but the next morning, something else infected the laptop. So that had to get taken care of. I put Norton 360 on the laptop and am now using Firefox, but the laptop is still acting all weird. I am now unable to open my photo editing program!! Such trash, I tell you!! So all of the photos I took at least a week and a half ago aren't edited/resized, and I can't put them online. I am so effing mad!! I thought I only took 300-400 photos of the Indians/Red Sox game, but after going through the photos, I think I counted somewhere between 600 and 700 photos!! So just from one night alone, I have a ton of photos to go through, edit, resize, and all of that stuff!! I am losing my mind over here!! Hopefully the laptop stops being lame and starts working properly for me...and SOON!!!!

Also, I've been super busy with getting things packed up and moved to storage since we're moving before the month's over. Just about all of the big furniture that's to be put in storage before Mark leaves is gone - only 4 bigger pieces are left to be taken over. I can't believe that Mark will be leaving so soon!! It honestly hasn't even hit me yet that he's leaving!!

Hopefully this laptop will get it's shit together and start working properly!! I know I'm going to be getting myself a laptop this summer, but I can't wait forever and a day to be able to edit and upload new photos!!