Thursday, May 14, 2009


So last night, I was looking through some of the stuff for The Art Institute that was on the list of things to do before starting school. One thing on the list is about the software and they have a website for the school to order the software you need, as well as extra stuff. I looked at the website last night, and just browsed through the software, hardware, and all of that stuff. The one cool thing about The Art Institute is that, if you order stuff through their website for school, you get 85% off of everything!!!! AMAZING! There's this one thing I've been wanting to get [Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection], but it's about $2,500!! Yeah, there's no way on God's green earth that I'd spend that much on software right now. But as I was browsing the school's website last night, they sell the collection to students for $510!!!! One of the programs I am required to have is in the collection, and it's about $100 by itself. So Mark and I talked last night, and he said that I could go ahead and get the CS4 Master Collection. Why pay about $100 for one software program when I can pay a little over $400 more and get 16 programs?! It just makes sense to us if I just got the whole collection. And I have to admit, I am so happy that I have a husband that is supporting me 100% with going to school for photography and letting me get some new things so I am able to start at a semi-professional level with all of it. Gosh, I love him so much!!!!

Speaking of Mark, he left this morning. I miss him like crazy already!! We were lucky enough to be able to text each other for a while before he got on the ship. It just sucks that I won't be getting a million texts from him a daily basis for the next 6 months or so. He did send me one last photo though from his phone before he left. He was frowning in the photo. He's not thrilled one bit about this deployment, but we're hoping that this is the last one for a while. The boys have no idea that Mark's gone and not coming home for a while - they were asleep in the stroller when he left. It just hurts because they don't know. But at the same time, I'm glad they didn't see him leave because Michael was such a mess the last time Mark left on deployment. I just hope that this transition without Daddy and the move go smoothly with the boys. I know it's going to be a lot on the right now, but I'm happy that we're getting it all done with within a short period of time. [I hate dragging things out.]

So here's to deployment #3!! I hope that this deployment goes smoothly and that we're an even happier, closer family in the end!!

1 comment:

Shea Posey said...

Wow, you definitely did get a deal!! Can't wait to see what you do with all the awesome editing software now!