Friday, June 12, 2009

One Month, One Day.

In one month and one day, not only will I be turning 22 years old, I will be starting school!! I am seriously looking forward to it!! I am so ready to be going to school for photography!! I feel that going to school, especially through The Art Institute, will definitely help me become a great photographer and help me get at least a decent photography job when I'm finished.

I called the school today because I had a question to ask. I wanted to know when I would be getting the "voucher" for my software since I got the one for my books. I was hoping that I'd get it real soon, but I won't be getting it till after I start my first class [which is just an "orientation" class]. That blows that I won't be getting it any time soon!! I was really hoping that I'd get it within the next week or two. Oh well, I guess. I just can't wait till I can get the software for school!! I am going to have so much fun editing photos and learning new things on all of the different programs I'll have!!

So I got an e-mail today letting me know when my books should arrive. I should get them in five days [June 17th]. I can't wait to get them and start reading them!! [Yes, I do love reading school books in my spare time. HA. I have school books that are at least 5 years old that I occasionally pick up and read.] I am definitely looking forward to getting my book for my History of Art in Early Civilization class. I love history!! History has always been one of my favorite subjects, and to learn the history of art is really exciting to me!! I still have to order my books for my Computer Literacy class, but that class doesn't start till August 20th. But I need, like, five books for that class alone - and two of them are for the Adobe CS4 series. Those books will definitely help me out with two of the Adobe editing programs I'll have to get for school.

I am getting more excited about school as each day goes by!! This is going to be absolutely amazing!!

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