Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Another Drawing

Okay, so I have three drawing assignments each week for Drawing, and the fourth assignment is to critique four other students' drawings. Easy, I tell you. E-A-S-Y!! Well, I do all of my drawings at the beginning of the week or the week before so I don't have to worry so much, and then I can focus on my Photography assignments for the week. My mom saw a drawing I did for this week, and she was completely shocked when she saw it. But first, let me take you back to my freshman year in high school.

As a freshman at Brunswick High School, I took the very basic, introduction art class. Without this class, you can't take any other kind of art class in high school. I just took this class as one of those always lovable easy classes. [You know, just to get that "easy A" and help out your GPA. HA.] Man, I was so wrong about it being an "easy A", let me tell you. I had the toughest art teacher at the high school! Some of the assignments I did really well on, while others were horrible. Let me tell you, I couldn't draw if my life depended on it. I remember one of the very first drawings we had to do in that class was draw a horse from memory. O-M-G! My "horse" looked like a fat freakin' blob! It was HIDEOUS!! And, of course, the teacher put that drawing on display one day. HA. [Thanks, Mrs. K!] I was such a horrible "artist", and I swore I would NEVER take another art class while in high school. HAHAHA.

Fast forward about a year and a half to two years later. I had to spend some time in the hospital - about a week, maybe. During this time in the hospital, I started drawing to clear my mind. I remember drawing a picture with the world in my hands. After that drawing, things changed. I then realized that I wasn't as bad at drawing like I was my freshman year. When I came home from the hospital, my mom and I went to the one store and I got a drawing pad, pencils, markers, crayons, oil pastels, etc. It was too late to sign up to take art classes my junior year of high school. So I just had to stick with drawing at home that year. Once it came time to sign up for classes my senior year, my schedule was FILLED with art classes. During my senior year, my art skills really improved and I had art work on display in the halls of the school and at local hospitals and elsewhere. It was really cool and very humbling.

I haven't done a whole lot of drawing since high school, but I draw every once in a while. But now that I am taking a Drawing class, I draw three different things a week. I love it! Drawing is a lot of fun and it relaxes me.

My mom saw the drawing below, and she thought it was really good. She was on the phone with someone, and she said, "I remember years ago when she couldn't draw for shit. Now I just can't get over a lot of the drawings she does now. They are really good." I think the drawing is okay, nothing great. Plus, it's not even really finished, if you ask me. I still want to work on the shading some and add a background to it. But it was really nice to hear my mom say something like that about my drawings. Trust me, I used to be the most God awful drawer before - it was ridiculous! [And I'm not saying I'm spectacular now, but I definitely am nowhere near as bad as I used to be!!]

Bowl of fruit. Drawing done with charcoal.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think it's great!!! It would look awesome with a background!