Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I am LOVING Quarter 2, Session 1!!

At the Art Institute, they run on quarters, and then they split their quarters up in to two sessions. So, like the title says, I am in my second quarter, first session. And let me tell you, I REALLY DO LOVE IT!!

Drawing has been amazing! I feel like I'm right back in my drawing classes in HS, and I did pretty effing awesome in those classes!! I find it incredibly relaxing to just sit down with a sketch pad and drawing utensils, and just draw for an hour or so. I love it! I'm already finished with this three of week's assignments and have two of them turned in, once of which is turned in a bit early. I am waiting another day to turn in assignment three [even though it'll be turned in well in advance], but I can't turn in the forth assignment because I have to wait for others to turn in their assignments so I can start critiquing. [Critiquing others assignments is the forth assignment for each week.]

Principles of Digital Photography has been great! This one assignment that I have to do for that class spans the whole 5.5 weeks. I had a really hard time coming up with my idea, but I have a pretty solid idea. This assignment isn't as simple as just picking up your camera and taking photographs. Oh no, you have to really THINK about it - and then you have to WRITE about it! I think that I am going to head out to the next town so that I can photograph for the big project! One thing I don't like about this class is that we have to shoot assignments using certain modes, and seriously, I can't shoot in AUTO. I have stayed so far away from AUTO since April that I literally get sick when I think about shooting in AUTO. ::gag:: [My thing is, I have a nice DSLR camera, and I shouldn't be shooting in AUTO. I don't find the point in having a DSLR camera and shooting in AUTO. If you want to shoot in AUTO, use a point-and-shoot camera. That's just me though....] But anyway, back to school and my assignments. The assignments are a lot of fun. I like that I get to go outside at this time of the year and photograph. Fall is so beautiful here! The colors are so vivid, and some are really bright. I love it! It's absolutely amazing!

Maybe some time within the next week or so, I will post some of my drawings on here to show you all. I am not some great artists, but I like some of my drawings. Plus, I put photos I've taken on here, why not show some of my other art work?!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Reading this makes me excited to start up Nov 12th!

I'mm glad you are loving your classes and having fun with them!