Thursday, April 2, 2009

Do you ever get like this?!

So, you're getting closer and closer to taking a trip/vacation somewhere, and the one thing you think about so often [or maybe the most] is about what you want to do and where you want to go simply because of the photo opportunities you'll have there?!

Mark's pre-deployment leave is fast approaching [yuck!], and all I keep thinking about is how we're going to Cleveland one day because we're going to a Cleveland Indians baseball game; going to Columbus one day so that Mark can talk to an ROTC Instructor and get help with the MECEP stuff, even though it isn't necessary for us to go there, but I look forward to [hopefully] walking around Columbus and seeing The Ohio State University; a birthday party that's for Mark [my idea] because it'll be his fifth year not being home on his birthday [I've never seen him on his birthday - ever]. Those are just things we're definitely doing while we're home, and those are great photo opportunities!!

Mark and I have been thinking about maybe taking the boys to the zoo while we're home [as long as the weather's nice] because we think they'll love it and have fun. So if we go to the zoo, I'll have another photo opportunity!! I just know that if Michael gets to see so many animals, he'll lose his mind!! That boy loves animals and gets so excited over seeing them just on TV. HA.

I think I am most looking forward to going to Cleveland and the baseball game though. The seats we have are behind home plate, a few levels up. They are GREAT seats!! We've had a few foul balls come up our way before. I always got good shots of the games we've been to with just the dinky cameras I've had, so I should get some really good ones with the camera I now have!! I hope that they do fireworks at the end of the game - I always love that!! Of course they'll do fireworks if someone from the Indians hits a homerun, but I love it when they do a huge fireworks show at the end of the game. One year, Mark and I went to a game with my dad and Uncle Kevin, and they did fireworks after the game, but they had the show set up with music and stuff. It was so cool!!

But please, tell me I am not the only one like this. Of course I think about seeing family and stuff, but I do tend to focus a lot on all of the things we'll be doing that present a great photo opportunity.

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