Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Looking forward to the game.

The Cleveland Indians game, that is!!

Last night, Mark and I decided to go ahead and change the day we're going to go see the Indians play in Cleveland when we're home on leave. We were originally going to go to the game on the 20th [a night game], but since we're heading to Columbus on Wednesday morning [all bright and early], we decided it'd be best for us to switch to Thursday's game in the afternoon. It just would've sucked getting home late Tuesday night from the game, then barely getting any sleep before we woke up early on Wedesday to head to Columbus to meet with an ROTC Instructor at Ohio State. Plus, with driving for 12 hours on Monday, we probably would've been zombies come Wednesday morning for the meeting with the ROTC Instructor. HA. So we changed our schedule a little bit, and that's a good thing.

I mean, sure, I would've like to have taken some night shots of the Indians game, but now I'll have natural light over the field to take pictures, granted the weather isn't shiteous. [Keep your fingers and toes crossed that the weather is BEAUTIFUL on the 23rd in Cleveland, Ohio!! PLEASE do that for me!! HA.] And since we'll be going to an afternoon game, we'll be able to walk around Cleveland for a little bit after the game, and I can possibly get both day and night shots of the city!! I just know of a few places that I really want to take photos of!! But the bad thing about the afternoon game is that we may not be able to go IN the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame & Museum!! BOOOOOO!! Maybe we'll just have to go another day while we're home. We'll see what happens. I'm just really looking forward to going home!! It'll be nice!!


Shea Posey said...

OMG my cousin is an ROTC instructor at Ohio State! I'll be visiting up there for her wedding in october. Her name is Capt. Ball if you happen to see her.

NAME: Stephanie said...

I knew your cousin was at Ohio State for ROTC, but I didn't know she was an instructor!! HAHA. Well, I know we aren't meeting up with her because we're meeting up with a male instructor. But there is always a chance that I [or we] could possibly see her while we're there.