Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Monday Night's Game

As you should know, Mark and I went to the Indians game on Monday night. We lost - those stupid Red Sox beat us. But let me tell you something, it was a great game!! Pitching from both teams was great!! [Of course Cliff Lee was going to deliver. After all, he did win the Cy Young award last year!! HELL YES!!] It just sucked though that my Indians lost Monday. [However, they beat the Red Sox Tuesday night!! WWOOOOOOO!!!!]

Mark and I had tickets for seats in Pronkville. We only stayed there though till the end of the 4th inning. After that, we went and sat on the Party Deck for the rest of the game. If I stood up, bent forward, and leaned over a little bit, I would've been touching the foul pole in right field. There was only one row of seats in front of us, too. So we were right by the field, and we were right next to the visitor's bullpen. OMG it was amazing!! I took 300-400 photos throughout the game, plus a few before the game. [We got there early and walked around Heritage Park and stood in the first row by right-center field during the Red Sox batting practice. We ALMOST got a ball that one of Red Sox players hit.]

During the game, Grady Sizemore made this amazing diving catch!! I was so ready for it!! My camera was right on Grady - I knew he was going to dive for it and catch it!! As soon as I pushed down on the button to snap that shot, my husband just had to stand up RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, RUINING THE SHOT!!!! Ugh! I was so pissed - and still am!! SERIOUSLY!! I could've had this absolutely amazing shot of one of my favorite Indians players, but noooooo, my husband had to leap up out of his chair and cheer for Grady. ::rolls eyes:: I told Mark that I will never let that moment die down for as long as I live. HA. [Seriously though, I probably won't let it go - ever.]

I don't have the photos I took uploaded yet. I actually don't even have them tranferred yet because I don't have enough space on the flash drive I brought with me to Ohio. So once I get back to NC, I'll get to transferring and uploading them so I can share some of the photos with you!!

OH!! After the game, since we were right by the visitor's bullpen, Mark asked for a baseball, and we got one!!!! To me, it doesn't matter if it's a ball used by an opposing team - a ball touched by multiple multi-million-dollar professional athletes is better than nothing!!!! HA. I'm going to buy a case for it, I kid you not!! It's going to go in our next house when we [or should I say I?] deck out a room or wall in Cleveland stuff.

I had so much fun at the game Monday night!! I'm hoping to go to a few more games this summer once the boys and I are back up here. I want to go and see my favorite baseball team of my entire life play, and take some photos of those guys playing baseball!! I ♥ baseball!!

Also, Cleveland has a single-A team in Kinston, NC. That's not very far from where we live down there. So we're going to try to go to one of their games before Mark deploys in May. I can't wait!! We're going to take the boys, too - their very first baseball game!! So if we go to a K-Tribe game, I'm going to take photos there, too!! Maybe one day they'll end up playing in Cleveland for the Indians, and then we'll get to say that we saw them when they were playing in Kinston. [We're also going to try to get some autographs, if possible.] Mark always says, "Maybe we'll get to see the next Grady Sizemore." And he's right - maybe we will.

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