Monday, April 13, 2009

One Step Closer.

After waiting over a week for a phone call back from my advisor at The Art Institute, he finally called me today. THANK GOD!! We talked about my FAFSA form and how the financial advisors have my paperwork in order [I just had to fill out the FAFSA form], and got some problems taken care of. I was having a hard time with FAFSA because the student loan that I'm still paying on right now is under my maiden name because the financial aid people were being lame about changing my name before. But I got all of that stuff taken care of, and my mom [who was so awesome and offered to fill out my FAFSA form] filled out my new form. So that means I am just one step closer to starting school this summer!! YAY!!

I am seriously so excited about this!! It's crazy!!

I have decided to fill out my application and FAFSA and just start off as a part time student, just so I can get a "feel" of things. Part time for the online division is just one class per every five and a half (5.5) weeks. So once those 5.5 weeks are up, you get anywhere from no break to three and a half (3.5) weeks for a break. I'm thinking that after the first or second quarter, I am going to start taking two classes at a time, making me a full time student. It'd be nice to get more work done so I can just finish the photography program that much faster. Also, the school is a year-round school, so no summer break that lasts 2-3 months long - but I am okay with that because I'll just be taking classes online, instead of spending hours in a classroom away from the boys.

I am really looking forward to this!! I can't wait to actually start!! The proposed starting date I have is July birthday!!!! So I will be coming home from my week long trip in Indy on the 12th, then starting school the next day. HA. It'll be one hell of an interesting, yet unbelievably awesome, week for me!! It's going to be great!!

1 comment:

Ashleigh said...

FAFSA forms always made me wanna vomit. But other than that, I'm way excited for ya girl!