Wednesday, April 1, 2009



Anyway, today has been a good day so far. Wait. Scratch that. It has been a GREAT day so far!! Why? you may be asking yourself. Well, I will tell you why. I HAVE OFFICIALLY APPLIED TO THE ART INSTITUTE OF PITTSBURGH!!!! [Obviously their online division. Duh! I'm not going to Pittsburgh anytime soon - if ever.] The other day, I just started the application process, and today I finished it!! YAY!! I am SO EFFING STOKED about this!!!! I know it's expensive, I don't know how much financial aid I'll be able to get, don't know if I'll get a scholarship, or anything like that, but I'm happy!! I am not planning on trying to "zip" through the program, but rather try and stretch it out as much as possible. If it wasn't so expensive, or we had a crap load of money, I would definitely do as much at once as possible, but it's just not realistic right now. Plus, with two kids, it'd be better to not try and cram in a ton of classes and stuff. I am just definitely hoping that things work out. I am sure everything will work out. But you know how it is - you sometimes second guess yourself and the way the world works once you've done something you think you should've done. Don't you just hate that?! Ugh, so annoying!!

I've been looking through the classes that they have/offer for the photography program at AiP, and the one I am probably most "in love" with right now is the Sports Photography class. If I could, I would definitely become a sports photographer!! I know - a FEMALE sports photgrapher...STRANGE!! HA. But get this, the other class I am looking forward to is Figure/Fashion Photography!! HAHAHA. Two different extremes, yet they are what I absolutely love!! Only I would be so in love with two different extremes. HA. And of course, they just happen to be the two most difficult types of photography to get in to and be taken very seriously. Oh well. I guess I just like to set the bar high, huh?

So this weekend is Family Day for all of the families of the MEU that Mark's deploying on/with. I'm really excited about it!! The weather is supposed to be BEAUTIFUL, which makes it even more exciting!! I have never been to a Family Day before. But I am going to be there taking a million photos with my camera. Oh, you better believe it!! HA. I am going to say right now I will easily take over 100 photos while we're there.

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