Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I have a BRILLIANT idea!!

Today, I was watching TV and a commercial for this one show kept coming on. It's about this religion camp thing. I don't know, I can't stand to watch the commercials because the lady loses her damn mind and scares me. There's a difference [and fine line] between teaching children about God and shoving everything you interpret from the Bible down children's throats and scaring them half to death.

But anyway, the commercial gave me an idea for a photo shoot. I'm not going to say what my idea is because I want to keep it to myself for now. I want to be able to pull it off, and have no one know about it till I start asking people to be a part of it, then show the photos. My plan is to do this shoot during the summer while I'm in Ohio. I hope that I am able to do it at one of the local parks with a good number of people. It'll be about an issue that I am very passionate about. If I am able to pull off this photo shoot, I can't even begin to tell you how amazing it will be!!

I have some people in mind right now that I want to ask to do this photo shoot with me, and I am also thinking about just posting on my MySpace and Facebook telling people in the area that if they would like to be a part of a photo shoot I'm doing, then they will just have to get in contact with me and I'd give them the information. And even though there's a subject/purpose/reason for this photo shoot, it shouldn't be hard to find people willing to do such a photo shoot.

Seriously, I can't even explain how great it would be to pull this off. Honestly, it could be a little bit "ground breaking", for a lack of better words. I think it would maybe make people open their eyes and minds a little bit. It's just something that means so much to me. It's something I believe in that goes "across the board" and involves everyone, which is why it shouldn't be too difficult to find some models.

If I can pull this off, I will submit the photos to the school [The Art Institute], to contests, and use them in my portfolio. I might even contemplate submitting them elsewhere, making it known that now is the time for things to change with certain issues. I know my idea may be "controversial", but I don't care about that. Something being controversial is something that can create change - and right now, we need this change.

I one day hope to win some small award or be recognized for the photos I'll take, and this idea of mine can get me started. I normally don't set my expectations high, unless it's something I know I am, or can be, good at doing. Photography happens to be one of those things, and I hope that I am able to accomplish at least two of my goals.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see what it is!!! I wanna have a photo shoot :(

Shea Posey said...

I watched some of that documentary that you're talking about. So I'm anxiuos to see what you've came up with. Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be awesome!! And it's a good thing you didn't watch it, it was nothing but brainwashing.

NAME: Stephanie said...

OMG SHEA!! YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT?!! HA. OMG that woman scares the shit out of me when I see the commercials!! She's INSANE!! She looks like she's going to eat a kid that doesn't listen to her. LMAO.

Ash, we'll have a photo shoot sometime!! It'll probably have to wait till the boys and I move back down here though. But FOR SURE, we'll have to have one!! HA. =)