Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It's O-F-F-I-C-I-A-L!!!!

Today, I got a small package in the mail from The Art Institute...I'VE OFFICIALLY BEEN ACCEPTED TO THE PHOTOGRAPHY PROGRAM!!!! YAY! Now all I have to do is get everything set so I can start class(es) in July!! I am probably going to call in a little bit or tomorrow to speak with someone so I know exactly where I am on the list of things I need to get taken care of. I'm pretty sure I only have to take care of my accuplacer exam, scheduling my class(es), and getting books and software!! AHHHHH! I can't believe that this is actually going to happen - I'm going to school!!!! HA. This is absolutely amazing!! I am so ready for this!!

But, with this wonderful news comes some sad news - my husband should be gone in less than 12 hours!! Yuck! I'm really sad that we have to go through another deployment, but I've been able to keep myself together and just enjoy the time we've had together. And let me tell you something, not being such an emotional mess [like the last two times] has been nothing short of wonderful!! I'm glad that I've been able to just have real conversations with him rather than breaking down in front of him every 5-10 seconds. It sucks that he has to go, but I know it's what he has to do.


Unknown said...

Congrats on getting in!! Thats awesome!!

I'm sorry you are about to say goodbye to your hubby though. I hope this deployment flys by really quickly.

Yanick said...

Comgrats on getting in! How exciting!!! Hopefully time will fly by with school in the boys! Good luck!