Saturday, October 3, 2009


Holy moly! It has been so long since I have posted anything on here - over 2 months!! O_O So let me give you a short update on what's been happening in my "photography life."

I've been going to school since July 13th!! I finished my first quarter one week ago! YAY! I got an A, a B, and a dang C. But I will say this, the class I got that C in really kicked my butt!! Like, REALLY kicked my butt!! I would literally spend over 6 hours most days working on assignments for that class. It was torture! HA. But I am very proud of myself for getting that C because I could've done worse in that class, like I'm sure a lot of other people did!! I start my second quarter on Monday, and I can't wait! I will be taking Drawing and Principles of Digital Photography!! I've already completed a few of my assignments for Drawing. HA. Go ahead, call me a nerd, over-achiever, whatever. LOL. I love drawing! I went to a store today and spent $62.99 on drawing supplies - pencils, blenders, erasers, sketch pad, etc. I would draw all day if I could! My Dig. Photography class, though, is going to be some SERIOUS business, let me tell you!! I'm used to having assignments be less than 50 points each, but the assignments for this class are 200-300 points each!! IN-SANE! But it's going to be a lot of fun! I can't wait to go outside with my camera and take photos of new scenery and such.

My mind and heart haven't changed at all - I still want to be that sports photographer!! And pretty soon, I am going to need your help!! [I'll let you know about that later on though - when the time comes.] And you know, I should post some of my photos from the USA Swimming Nationals back in July and baseball photos on here - as well as other photos that aren't related to sports. I need to start showcasing my work on more than just FB, and the occasional MySpace and Twitter.

I've been put in touch with higher ups in some major sports companies, and it's been great! I love having that connection! The people I have talked to are wonderful! And I have even had a few tell me that they can't wait to one day have me work along side them. That's definitely a major confidence booster right there! I want to be a sports photographer so badly, and I started networking a couple months ago. Networking is insanely important, especially if you want to make it in the field you're working in.

Hopefully I will get back into blogging and keeping this up-to-date. A LOT will be happening within the next few months, and I'd like to keep you all "in the know"!!


Unknown said...

Good job on your classes!!! You will be an awesome sports photographer!

NAME: Stephanie said...

Thank you, Kendra!!