Monday, June 21, 2010


Well, more like "School's out till July 12th"!

Saturday was the last day of my first year of school! I can't fully comprehend it just yet. It's so weird to think that in a few weeks, I'll be in my second year of photography school. I've completed 12 regular classes and two short courses. It took me until the last two quarters of this school year to really get into my classes, and I got a lot more involved in my classes this last quarter.

The first two quarters of the school year were kind of still a transitional period for me. The first quarter back was my first time back in any kind of school since February 2007, and my first time back to taking regular classes since I was in high school.
The second quarter was a bit hectic because I was trying to find a place for us to move to down to in North Carolina, moving to North Carolina, Mark coming home from deployment, and traveling back up to Ohio for a few weeks.
The third quarter was a bit rough since Mark ended up having to go to Haiti for a few months and I was traveling back and forth between North Carolina and Ohio, but I had gone through traveling and keeping up with school before, so I kind of knew how to handle it.
Once the fourth quarter came around, I was very comfortable with school and knew how to go about my classes with my daily schedule full of my life, Mark's life, and the kids lives. Even when I had surgery in May, I knew how I was going to handle the end of two classes and picking up another class. You can really tell in my grades that I was much more comfortable the fourth quarter because I got As in my classes; not even an A-, all As!! I was not going to settle for anything but As, even though I was a bit worried I was going to get an A- in that last class. I tend to "sell myself short" on assignments and figure I do worse on them than I actually did.

In just one year of school, I have learned so much!! I learned about art history, photo history, how to use multiple software programs for photo editing, some interesting things about cameras, and a bunch of other stuff. It amazes me how much I learned in one year! I am so excited to see what and how much I learn these next few years!!

I look forward to next school year! I really like school! Of course there are times where I just want to rip my hair out and give up on an assignment, but I push through it. I know that at the end of all of this, I will have a Bachelor of Science degree in photography, my degree will be from a top notch art school, and I will have so much knowledge, along with my talent, that I will become one hell of a photographer! I look forward to what lies ahead!! I want to say "I can't wait", but the truth is, I can wait because I want to be able to learn as much as possible and fully appreciate every moment until I get my degree and become the amazing photographer I know I can and will be!!

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