Monday, August 23, 2010


You know, I used to paint a lot when I was in high school. I would paint on paper, canvas, stuff I made in my ceramics classes, and other stuff. I once did a project with a few friends my senior year in high school that was for a Ralph Lauren perfume thing. I also worked on the backdrop for my senior prom's pictures with a few other art students. I used to paint because I loved it so much. Now you'll only ever catch me painting the walls in a house. Don't get me wrong, I love painting walls very much! But I miss sitting in a chair or standing in front of a piece of canvas and just freely painting. I don't have any of my old paintings, which is sad. The only painting that I've ever worked on that I have a picture of is the senior prom backdrop, and it's not even the whole backdrop.

I have painting on my mind lately because two weekends ago, we went to Wilmington and I saw this couple walk out of a store with a large painting. I saw the price tag on it - $129!!!!!! Let me tell you, it was not worth even half of that! It was one of the simplest paintings I have ever seen in my life - something one of my boys could paint. I sat there and thought for a little while about how we don't have any paintings in our house - just photographs, posters, and vinyls/records in frames, and some other pieces of artwork. No paintings though. I want paintings in my house. But I want to paint those paintings. I want to sit around, or stand around, and paint something that I am proud to hang on my walls. I want to be even prouder when someone asks, "Where did you get that? I really like it," and be able to say that I did it.

Not only do I want to paint more, but I want to draw more. I want to put all of my artistic abilities to use because I feel like they are being wasted right now. What's the point of having any talent at something and not even utilizing those talents?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know what you mean!
I recently started painting again, I also painted in high school...(yeah we should have hung out more lol), and I'm loving painting again! I have painted a bunch of stuff for our house, it's nice :) I say you start painting now!! Go to Michaels and stock up NOW! hehe