Sunday, April 19, 2009

Going Home & Drive-by Photography

That is what I will be doing tomorrow...12 long hours in the car!! HA. And I am hoping that with my wonderful Sony a300, I'll be able to get some amazing shots that I could never get with my old Canon Powershot piece of poop. HA. [Actually, the Powershot was good for that kind of camera. I just don't like it now because it's so two-thousand-eightlate!! LOL.]

I know I'll probably get the usual shot of "Mount Boob". LMAO. [Ashleigh, I think it's you that knows what I'm talking about. HAHA.] I'm looking forward to this one area in either Virginia or West Virginia...the scenery is beautiful!! I love it a whole lot more at night time, but we'll be driving through it during the day. BOO! I'm going to be lame and try to get a photo of every sign "welcoming" us into the state. HA. I know that once we get into Ohio, I definitely want to get photos of certain areas we'll be driving through. I'm going to try to get a lot of photos of my hometown. I think it'd be cool to show you all where I'm from. You'll get to see the one place I love to leave, but hate to be away from. [Am I the only person that has that weird feeling about where they're from?!] I love drive-by photography!! It's amazing!!

Maybe while we're home, I'll go around to places and take photos. I'll try to go to the center of town, the schools I attended, places that have some meaning to me, and just some other places in town that I like. I'd like to show you all where I grew up...Brunswick, OH.

I can't wait to go to Columbus!! I hope that we get to spend some time there after meeting with the ROTC Instructor. I want to go see The Shoe [the football stadium where The Ohio State University plays]. It may come as a surprise to some, maybe most, of you, but I have never seen/been to The Shoe in my life!! Gasp! So I am really hoping that I get to go see it while we're home. That'd be so cool if I got to!! I, also, am hoping that we'll just get to walk around the school and Columbus for a little bit. I want to get some photos of the city - the state's capital.

I can't wait to go to Cleveland to walk around the city and to go to the Indians game!! The Indians have been eh lately, but I love going to watch them play!! I want to go to Cleveland a good while before the game, walk around the city, photograph some of the amazing things there, hopefully get to the field/stadium early so I can photograph the guys warming up, then go to our seats, watch the game, take photographs throughout the game, and enjoy and photograph the fireworks once the game is over!! I ♥ Cleveland!! I really do!! It's such a fun city!!

I am definitely looking forward to going home. In less than 24 hours, we'll be home!! It's going to be so nice being home and being around my family!! I miss my family so much!! And I do miss that little shit hole town I grew up in!! HA.


Ashleigh said...

HA! I read your comment to Kyle and he said "It's nipple mountain. Correct her!" I wonder what other names people have for that huge hunk of earthly boob.

Have a safe and fun trip! I'll be looking forward to all the new pics!

NAME: Stephanie said...

BAHAHAHAHA!!!! It is a huge hunk of earthly boob, that's for sure!! LMAO.

Thank you! I'm hoping to get some awesome pictures that I can share with everyone on MySpace and here.