Monday, March 30, 2009

The Art Institute

Between last night and this [early] evening, I think I was close to punching someone straight in the throat. I was SO MAD because of our realtor trying to screw us over, but a good man changed my mood by just talking for a little over two hours.

So, about that phone. The guy called me about 5 minutes after Mark walked in the door when he got home from work. He told me his name and that he's from THE ART INSTITUTE OF PITTSBURGH!!!!! Umm, HELLO!! I was PUMPED!! So we talked for a little over two hours, going over everything [ie. classes, money/financial aid/grants, etc.], and I started to fill out my application for the school's online courses!!!! OMG!! I am SO PUMPED about it!! Mark was happy for me when he found out who I was talking to and what about!! [I have to give Mark credit because he's the one that gave me that final little shove to get my butt in gear and just look at places with photography programs.] On Wednesday, I am going to finish my application and pay the application fee. But seriously, the guy I talked to was telling me that I sounded like I was definitely passionate about photography and have a great drive and determination, and that the school would love to have someone like me be a part of their school. I know, a lot of places say things like that, but if you could ever hear me talk about how much I love photography [and arts, in general], you would truly understand that I love it all and not for dumb, typical reasons. I am HOPING to start taking classes in July!!!! That's my goal for right now. It just stinks because it is EXPENSIVE to go to/through The Art Institute!!!! So if I stick with AiP till I am completely done, it'll take me quite some time finish. I am just so happy about this right now!! I love all things art, I love being able to express myself in an artistic manner, I love every little thing about it all!!!! I just hope that this all works out and that I can take the online courses!! This is something I am so driven to do!!

I have been looking through the Course Catalog online because the guy told me to "favorite" the page, and some of the courses seem really cool. Like, there are darkroom courses, business/marketing courses to help you market yourself and create a business, photo history [I love history of the arts], and some other cool courses. There are some courses that I can tell that I will just fly through, especially because of the cosmetology education/background I have. I also like that you have to do an internship somewhere. It'd be really nice getting to work with photographers that've been doing that stuff for years, and learn from them.

That's all I really have for now. I am going to continue looking at the Course Catalog.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sony a900

Not too long ago, I got a new camera. It's a Sony a300. Nothing too, too fancy, but it is a nice camera - especially for a starter. It's got 10.2 megapixels, 12 different modes to shoot in [including AUTO], a lot of nice features, and I got two lenses when I got it. The camera came with a 3.5-5.6/18-70 lens, which is your standard. But I also got a 4.5-5.6/75-300 lens since I got the "bundle package" at Best Buy.

The camera [a300] is really nice and I am always using it. I take at least 75 pictures every day! I will take pictures of anything and everything. I don't care how many pictures of one tree I already have, I'll take another picture of that tree. I don't care how boring it can be for some people to constantly see pictures of my kids playing outside, I am going to take lots of pictures of them. I just love taking pictures!! And that, my friends, is why I am going to take photography courses and/or join the photography society back home - once I get there, of course!! I'd like to "step up my game" when it comes to photography and get super serious about it. Why not?! It'd be nice to add something else to the list of things I can do - and be good at.

It's also nice that I want to take the photographer route because in Mark's family, there are three photographers. One of his uncle's is a photographer, one of his cousins is a photographer, and his cousin's wife is a photographer. So I have other people there that could kind of help me out and we could talk about photography.

But back to my camera. In the last week or two, I have gotten 4 lens filters for my camera. I have a Diffusion filter, Neutral Density filter, Ultraviolet filter, and Circular Polarizer filter. My favorite lens filter to use is the CP filter. I love it!! It's like sunglasses for the camera! HA. It really is though. I want to go to the beach one day and test it out there. Ii just love using the lens filters now, that it makes it difficult sometimes to not have one on my camera.

Now, onto the Sony a900. Since I have a Sony DSLR camera, I am constantly going to Sony's website to check out the things I can get for my camera. Yesterday, I decided to just look at the other cameras Sony has in the Alpha series. Let me tell you, I am in LOVE with the a900!!!! I want it so bad - even if it is $2,999.99!! HA. But Mark and I made a deal. When he reenlists later this year, I can get the a900. If I get very serious about photography [like I intend to] and do photo shoots and people buy pictures from me, I can get a SECOND a900!!!! But he said my parents don't count - they can't buy pictures from me for the deal to work. HA. [Another part of the deal is that I will only get one cosmetic surgery procedure done. I'm the one who came up with that part, which was the first part of the deal that got things "rolling" with the rest of the deal.] But that's awesome!! TWO a900 cameras!! OH YEAH!! And it's cool because the lenses I have for my a300 are compatible with the a900. Also, Mark and I have been looking into lenses for my camera because I'd like to have a nice variety/range of lenses. I kind of want to get into sports photography [because I LOVE sports], so I'd need a nice, big telephoto zoom lens. Of course, I won't get the biggest one Sony sells - that's $5,999.99 alone!! HA.

Well, here's a picture of the Sony a900. If you click on the picture, it'll take you to the page on Sony's website that's about the a900. It's AMAZING!!
Sony Alpha 900 camera
Who wouldn't want to upgrade to this camera?!

Friday, March 20, 2009

March 20, 2009

I've been busy lately, and I've taken many pictures. My boys definitely keep me on my toes - with my camera always in my hands. Over the last few days, I've taken many pictures of my boys playing around, and I'd just like to share some of them.

Michael blowing bubbles
Brayden in the family room
Michael outside
Brayden outside
Michael outside
Brayden outside
Brayden outside
Brayden outside
Brayden outside
Brayden outside
Michael holding chalk
Michael holding chalk
Michael and Brayden outside

On to some other news that deals with photography:

My husband and I have been talking [more like e-mailing] lately about how I love taking photographs and how I really would love to learn more about photography. I'd love to go to school for photography, like really go to school for it, but I just don't like the idea of having to take "normal classes". Plus, with two kids and a husband hoping to go to school in 2010 so he can become an Officer in the Marine Corps, time and money just aren't there for me to be able to go to school for it. So my husband told me to just look into taking courses for just photography [where I wouldn't have to take anything but photography courses]. I looked into it, and there's this one place back near where I'm from that has courses. Problem is, the courses begin May 30th, and I might not be moved back up to Ohio by then. I would absolutely LOVE to take the courses, but I don't know if I'll be there when they start. I am going to probably contact the place and see how late they accept registration and stuff, because if I do get back to Ohio in time, I would love to go!! I think it'd be great if I could learn more about photography and go on the "field trips" to actually stand next to a [professional] photographer and get their feedback right there on the spot. But if I can't take these courses, then it's going to suck because the next time the courses start again is in January 2010, and I won't be in Ohio then to take them. Hopefully it'll all work out though - and work out in my favor. We'll just have to wait and see, won't we?!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Flowers and Birds in a Tree.

Today I saw a bird in one of the trees in our front yard, so I decided to take a few pictures. Then, another bird came along, and I kept on "snapping" away. The second bird flew up by the first bird, and I took some more photos. Then the first bird flew away, while the second bird stayed...and I took even more photos. Once the second bird flew away, I was done taking photos. A little bit later in the day, one of those two birds came back, so I took a few photos of it.

Here are photos of the birds from earlier in the day:
Bird in a tree
Bird in a tree
Birds in a tree
Birds in a tree

Here are some photos from when one of the birds came back later in the day:
Bird in a tree
Bird in a tree
Bird in a tree
Bird in a tree

On Friday, I received flowers that Mark, my husband, had ordered for me "just because" while he's training on ship. I love the range of different flowers he got for me, and the colors are beautiful.

Here are some photos I took today of the flowers:


Welcome to my photography blog!! I am just an "amateur" at photography, but I do have a great passion for it. For as long as I can remember, I have been highly intrigued by just about all forms of art, especially the arts that closely relate to the fashion world. I am a licensed cosmetologist, so the art of hair, nails, and make up intrigue me the most. I do not shy away from what most of the world finds "crazy" in hair, nails, and make up; I embrace it. I love fashion, every little bit of it. I don't always dress very fashionable; but if you know me, you know that I can definitely dress the part what the time calls for it. I can sew pretty well, and I hope to one day create some of my own things to wear. I love art, like the art classes you take in high school. I have drawing pencils, drawing pads, and a bunch of other necessary utensils for drawing. Imagining something and putting it on paper, fabric, etc. feels amazing. I miss working with clay and "throwing" on the wheel. Sculpting and creating things with clay just always felt right to me. I hope to one day get into some ceramic classes so I can work with clay again, and just be "free" while I create my own works of art.

My favorite type of photography isn't getting people to pose this way or that way, but just catching people in their natural environment. Taking pictures this way tends to create better memories, at least to me it does. I also love taking pictures of life: plants, flowers, animals, etc. I love black and whites photos, but I also love bright, vivid colors in photos.

I hope that my love for photography will continue to grow. And I hope that I will use this blog often to post some of my favorite photos that I have taken. Maybe once in a while, I will even post some of my favorite pieces of art that someone else has created. But mostly, I hope that you enjoy this blog and my photos!!