Sunday, April 5, 2009

Not Photography, But Still Art

Last night was the 2009 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony. This year, the ceremony was held in Cleveland, Ohio. Every three years [at least that's the current plan - so let's see if they hold up to it in 2012], the ceremony is held in Cleveland because that is where the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and Museum "lives". [Now, I think it's completely effing stupid to hold the induction ceremony in Cleveland every three years since the dang place is in Cleveland. But whatever, the people who decided on that need to be slapped - hard.]

Anyway, the ceremony was in Cleveland!! YAY!! Some of my family members hold passes to get into the R&RHoF&M, and it's really cool what they get with their passes. There are many different types of passes you can get, but they're still cool, nonetheless. But since they have passes, they get some "priority" when it comes down to the induction ceremony and getting into it. Well last night, two of my uncles, an aunt, and my dad went to the induction ceremony!!!! Ummm...JEALOUS, RIGHT HERE!!!! I can't even begin to explain how jealous I am of them for going!! When my mom called me and told me that my dad was going to the induction ceremony, I starting screaming/yelling about how cool that is and how jealous I was!! If Mark gets into MECEP and we move to Columbus, you better believe that we'll be holding passes for the R&RHoF&M!! I would LOVE to be able to go to the induction ceremony in three years!!!! Do you know how AMAZING that would be - to actually be there and experience it?!?! DO YOU?!

If you know me, you know I LOVE music - everything about it. I will listen to just about any type of music [some not as much as others though]. I've been to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and Museum twice - both times during last year, 2008. My whole life, I lived about 30 minutes south of Cleveland, but never went to the R&RHoF&M [since it was built]. However, that changed last year. I'd always wanted to go there, to see the artifacts, learn about some of the artists' lives, etc. Let me tell you, IT WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! I can't even begin to tell you how awesome it was!! Then during the summer, Mark and I went there again, but this time with two of my uncles and two of my cousins. We went and saw a film on Bob Dylan. Right then and there, my love for Bob Dylan started. I'd heard some of his stuff growing up, but not very often. I was raised more on classic rock and "psychedelic" rock [as I call it]. It was such an amazing film, though, on Bob Dylan. Ever since then, I have downloaded around 20 songs of his, memorized just about every word to all of those songs, and have watched everything that's come on TV about him. [FACT: Bob Dylan is a genius!!]

I love the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and Museum!! Mark and I are actually planning on going there again when we go home on pre-deployment leave later this month!! I want to go and see the new artifacts they have of the new inductees and see the new exhibit on the top floor. [The first time we went, the top floor's exhibit was of The Doors. It was SPECTACULAR!!]

You know how some people say "you have to do that/go there before you die"?! Well, I think everyone should go to the Roll & Roll Hall of Fame and Museum before they die - especially if they love music!! I suggest not going during the winter though because it's right by the lake and Cleveland gets some nasty snow. But if you go during the summer, it's amazing. There's so much to do right in downtown Cleveland. I love going to Cleveland to go watch baseball games, go see the Rock Hall [that's what us Ohioans call it], go to Tower City and shop and eat, go to Quicken Loans Arena, and other stuff. It's truly an amazing city. I hope that Mark and I get to spend a whole day there when we go home on leave. If we do, I hope that I can get some wonderful photos of the city and then share them on here, MySpace, and possibly Facebook [I don't go on Facebook often because I find it to be L-A-M-E].

Seriously though, if you're ever going up toward Ohio, add a day to your trip and just go to Cleveland and go to the Rock Hall if nothing else!! It's WORTH IT!! It's, like, $22 per person to get in, but only $17 per person to get in [due to military discount]!! The only sucky thing is that you can't take photos in the museum. [However, I am going to call to see if there's a way that I can. I'll pay extra just to take some damn photos in there - I don't care.] But just go there - see and experience the Rock Hall!!!! You will only regret it if you DON'T go...SO GO!!!!

Here are some pictures I took back in early 2008 when Mark and I went to the Rock Hall for the first time:

Click on images to view them larger.
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum

1 comment:

Ashleigh said...

That building is way cool and how kick ass that some of your fam was there! I hope you are able to get some pics be really intrested in seeing them!